About Us

We are independent, straightforward, and pro-democracy.

We believe in a better future for humankind and want to contribute to more dialogue and better understanding and cooperation.




Our Mission

This website is being published as an attempt to fight disinformation. Since the advent of the internet we have seen a growing wave of lies and fake news being spread out by all sorts of people and groups, with no end in sight. We anticipate it is going to get worse, much worse, particularly with the rise of A.I. So, basically, we only have two options: to shut up and passively accept the disinformation wars, or fight and try to counter the absurdity with the truth and denounce all the lies. We clearly choose the second option.

Our goal is to inform and to criticize, where it is due, to make unbiased social commentary, to report and comment worthwhile news, to fight corruption and to promote democracy. As a rule, we intend to counter misinformation by disseminating the truth.

In order to reach above goals we will accept all the help from third parties who recognize the need  to fight and stand up for all the evil that comes with lies and fanaticism.

Although comments and contributions will be monitored, in order to prevent excesses, we will accept and repost  comments and articles from any individuals of good will.

Advertising and donations will be accepted, provided they are consistent with our objectives, not misleading, and comes from honest entities. No political advertising will be accepted and any donations will have full transparency.


Rommel has been a tropical hardwoods trader for almost 50 years, mainly with species from Brazil and South America. His experience and knowledge about the Amazon forest has driven him into direct involvement with many environmental issues in that area and other regions of the world.

He is a past president of IWPA – the International Wood Products Association (2000-2001) and has successfully introduced several lesser-know species which are now traded worldwide. This is an effective way to decrease the risk of extinction to high-demand species like Mahogany and Ipe. Rommel has long fought to demystify the eco-radicals gross exaggerations about the Amazon forest.

Besides the environment, Rommel has a deep interest in Politics and Science, with particular emphasis in Biology, Botany, Genetics and Neuroscience. He is passionate about poverty alleviation through education. His motto in life is: “Change is constant, inevitable… and good!”

Email Us

Rommel Bezerra - rommel@rethorik.com


Poverty Alleviation
Big Media/Big Tech